Monday, March 22, 2004

Many late nights, and late mornings. It has been difficult to get to the internet shop on time. My apologies.

I had my first round of congratulations for food that I cooked today. Normally, I'll cook something, or be in the process of cooking, and I'll be told that I'm doing bits very wrong according to the rules of the Italian Mama. Today however, I made a ragu and threw in some chili and some provencale olives. I was greeted at regular intervals by flatmates exclaiming "mamma mia" or "madonna" and the like as they walked into the kitchen. Bring it on.

Cars cars everywhere. Some mad Ferrari and Maserati weekend going on in the square. Over my shoulder I can see the most amazing Ferrari, and lots of people are taking photos. Apparently you can go to Maranello (Ferrari car factory and museum just outside Modena) and at lunch time all the workers come out in their red overalls. They then go to lunch in Michael Schumachers favourite restaurant in Maranello just over the road.

The flat is still great; it seems like something out of a film sometimes. 5 Italians shouting at each other in a small kitchen, generally taking the piss, and all having a great time. There is an excellent dynamic in the flat, and I'm slowly getting to know everyone better. Through eating and drinking mainly. This afternoon I'm going to look for shoes for Francesco (Converse, not normally his bag), and then guitars with Manu (his bag).

Must rush to a contemporary history lecture, but keep well everyone, and congrats to Al who is now engaged. Hurrah!


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