Monday, April 05, 2004

The weekend has been excellent. On Saturday we had a party at Arnaud's house. There were quite a few of us there, missing just Manu from the band, and Dan came along too. There was lots to eat and drink, and we had a very good raclette. My best memory from the evening was that everyone was having a really good time, chatting and messing about. There was a good atmosphere, and it was good to get to know everyone a bit better. I love evenings like that.

Sunday was a long day. I was entertained for lunch by Ben's Mum and Dad, and was thoroughly spoilt with some scallops with mushrooms and cheese to start, followed by roast chicken and chips. I really was in heaven. That afternoon, I went to watch Arnaud play for his local football team. I haven't seen that much amateur football, apart from Northampton QPR once, but this game was fascinating. There were two sendings off, the game was stopped for 10 minutes as there was the imminent prospect of a fight between some players and the referee, there were two penalties, and there was some shocking, shocking defending. Arnaud's team won 3-2, he hit the angle of the woodwork with an opportunistic curling left foot shot from outide the area. The difference between the two teams was that Arnauds team, "les rouges" had discipline on their side, and kept their composure, whereas the the other team were essentially diving, complaining, and not really concentrating on their football. Great game though.

The evening we drove with all the amps and "materiel" in Ben's parents' Espace to the radio station TRG, about half an hour outside of Bordeaux. The band we're competing against on Thursday was already in the studio playing a few songs. When our turn came, we introduced ourselves and spoke about what kind of music we like etc. They played "It's your birthday" from our rough demo, and then we played "Strange" live. We then requested Talk Show Host by Radiohead, and finished the show off with us playing "Cold Wind". The sound was good;it was a really amazing experience, chatting on the radio, and even the rather small things like having headphones and the big microphones got me all excited. We had an excellent reception, followed by interest from the presenters, one of whom will be there on Thursday, all emoustille. C'est fantastique!

We got back to the flat, all on a high, had some food, and listened to the interview and all had a good laugh at it. A day I'll never forget.


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