Thursday, July 15, 2004

Last night was my last night as a third year Erasmus student. It really hit home as I was walking down Via Emila at around 4 in the morning, feeling slightly nauseous. It was a great night. We started in the flat with Lambrusco and the Martini, and then went to the Oca Golosa to eat to a standstill. Everyone seemed very happy, and it felt quite different to most nights. Not because they were happy, but more carefree or something. Maybe it was the drink before. I think with Clare going yesterday it has really made me stop and just think about the year and what I've got out of it. A bigger stomach I think is the answer. A good investment though.

Felt like death this morning, and the sun has got his bloody hat on again, and having a sore head with dehydration and the sun is less than fun.

Bus at 3.20 to Bologna woohoo, then plane.

Should I change the name of the blog?

I feel unbelievably lucky to have shared so many memorable moments with people in Bordeaux and Modena this year (and Barcelona and Mexico). I hope we keep in touch.

I'm rambling again. My mouth is dry. I need iced tea alla pesca yeah.


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