Monday, April 19, 2004

Hello hello hello. I've just spent a great few days with Mum and Dad showing them around Modena and Ravenna. We've been eating our way around Emilia Romagna, drinking balsamic vinegar here and there, and generally having lots of fun.

I'm getting all ready to go to Mexico, and I am super excited. Do they give you free food and drink on long flights? I hope so.

Rob et al have sorted out the house for next year in Bristol and they have all agreed to let me have the nicest room because I am the nicest, most mature and rational person. That is a lie.

If anyone is wondering why I haven't been emailing, it's because I have limited time on line. A fat Modenese man runs the show in this cafe, and he could have bought a Ferarri with the amount I have spent on his computers. But I think he spent it on mozarella and mortadella. In a bun. A big bun.

I introduced Ma and Pa to Catherine and Bastian which was cool. We went out for dinner and had fun. I had a cold on Thursday, and now I cough a lot. And snore too according to Francesco.

There is a festival at the Imola race track in June if anyone is interested in coming. The Pixies and The Cure are supposed to be playing. If this is true, I am going. Will keep you posted anyway.

Ben x


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