Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Phew! Got back to Modena at around 2 am this morning after a horrid Ryanair flight. I advise never to go with them. Tickets are indeed cheap, but the service is so bad, and they destination airport is always miles away from where you actually want to get to. I had to get the bus from Forli to Bologna and then the last train back to Modena.

Since then I have slept, been for a panino with Andrea Caterina and Bastian, coffeed, joined the library and replaced my lost aviators. Quite productive really. I plan to hit the library later all being well, to find out some stuff for my dissertation.

Bristol was great. Everyone is examing at the moment, so it was kind of them to hang around with me as much as they did. Rob and I played lots of snooker, drank lots of Flowers and Southern Comfort and went to the Vines gig. It was a good one, but fell inbetween the two I've already seen. Mr Nicholls was partially on the ball, which still made for a good concert.

I noticed that the mosh pit was particularly irritating this time. Usually there is a kind of rhythm to it, and pauses for chilling out, but not this time. Lots of violent, or supposedly violent people, who were all about 17, pushing too much, and generally being a pain.

Crowd-surfed for the first time, which was quite an experience, floating over all the hands. Like nothing else I've done before. Maybe it's a bit like bobbing on the sea. But with the worry that it'll all give if you're not lucky.

Jet lag still with me, and making me feel like bed is my best friend all the time.

Francesco has disappeared. No one is sure where he is, but it doesn't sound good. He may be changing college next year. The flat is quite empty without him.


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