Friday, July 23, 2004


I had a really good bath yesterday. On the plane, I noticed that I had mud on the underside of my forearms, and on my legs. I also had some mud in my hair.

I got a really great email from my Icelandic friend Anna yesterday. She has a very beautiful way of writing in English. Her sentences are very long, and flow just as her mind thinks.

Katie's plane was delayed by a day from Mexico city because of flooding.

As of today I have started studying. Oh yes, this is going to be fun. I'm kicking off with Ariosto, a 16th century high renaissance writer. His Italian differs a lot from the Italian that is around today. So I have just ordered a translation.

Icelandic however has not differed much at all over the last 2000 years, which means that Icelanders living today can read all the sagas with absolutely no problem at all.


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