Sunday, August 01, 2004

The last few days have been very interesting to say the least. I'm sorry that the blog has not been updated much.

I have been seeing Katie for the first time. She is well, (a bit of a lie, she has a cold and has to have a root canal on her teeth soon) looks beautiful (not a lie), and is generally good. It's quite nuts seeing her for the first time in so long, and we're going to have to take it easy for a while. I love her.

It has been my birthday too. A bit of a non-event, just the way I like it. Relaxed, nice meal in the evening, some good dvds and books to mull over for the next few weeks.

Went out with my friends from home, and got hideously drunk. Met Tom's new girlfriend Isobel, who is great. She fit in really well, and dealt with the 6 other boys brilliantly I thought.

Highlight of the evening for me had to be at about 2 in the morning, asking Will for a phone number for a taxi back to Ampthill from Tom's house. Quoting the easy to remember 212137, I rang, only to be answered by a man who didn't know what the fuck I was talking about, asking for a taxi.

It was Dan's dad, on Dan's home number. Great.


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