Saturday, August 07, 2004

I've got my suit sorted out for the wedding now. It is made with Italian material and is a kind of blue. I'll stick some pictures up of the wedding when it happens anyway.

All things wedding are pushing on. Mum and Dad are in full wedding mode, and are making sure everything is going to plan. Should be a great party. I wonder what we're having for food?


At 10:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. Liz again.

If you think Mum and Dad are in full wedding mode, you should see our house. Bits of manuscript paper everywhere (I'm having to arrange one of the hymns myself), printouts of wedding services from 1662 and the 1920s with proofmarks all over them where I'm trying to make sure I don't end up swearing to obey Eben (would be catastrophic), snippets of fabric, pictures of flowers, diet books, honeymoon clothes, a light mist of Scotchguard all over everything where I've been trying to waterproof essential wedding's a nightmare. We still have to swear an affidavit (neither of us is sure why; I think it's another way for the Church of England to squeeze another £150 out of us), I have to go to Peterborough to change the name on my passport, we need to borrow a register from another church in Cambridge because the chapel doesn't have one...and I am in a blind panic about the seating arrangements. The Dean wants to give us a marriage counselling session pre-wedding to check that we don't have unreasonable expectations. Is all most embarrassing.

Recommend that when you decide to get married, you elope.

Re food - definitely half a cow for the main course, and remarkable chocolatey cake and raspberries for pud, but we're not sure on the starter yet. Yay. God, I can't wait to come off this diet. It will be a *great* party; I'm really looking forward to it.

Suit sounds good. What do you mean by 'kind of blue'?

At 11:58 am, Blogger Ben said...

When I say kind of blue, I mean, well, a type of blue. Kind of navy with a hint of the sea, and a cling film sheen to it. When I turn, the hologram part of the suit works, and I turn into Bob the Sponge. This will be interesting since I bet nobody will expect Bob the Sponge to be usher.

Have oodles of fun in Peterborough passport office. Hee hee.


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